Thursday 15th February 2024, at the Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus
The GreenConnect workshop is an event focused on discussing the latest scientific research in the field of renewable energy and the local challenges we face through the climate change emergency. The workshop aims to bring scientists and specialist speakers from the UK and Cyprus together and inform both academics and the general public through a series of presentations. The workshop will be held on the 15th February 2024, 10:00-16:30 (GMT+2), Nicosia Cyprus, and will include opportunities to discuss the issues faced with experts in the field over coffee and lunch. If you have an interest in the challenges faced and the latest solutions available, or are an academic working in the field of green energy, then this event will be of interest to you.
Attendance is free but registration is required. Please register here. Everyone is welcome.
Date/Time: 15 February 2024, 10am
Place: Home for Cooperation, Markou Drakou 28, Nicosia 1102, Cyprus
Speakers from University of St Andrews, The University of Manchester, Queen Mary University of London, Cyprus University of Technology, Eastern Mediterranean University, European University of Lefke, KyklOIKOdromio, Ideopsis ltd, and more.
9:50-10:10 Registration
10:10-10:15 Opening/Welcome by Dr Marina Leontiadou, University of Salford
10:15-10:20 Mr Ben Rawlings Deputy British High Commissioner to Cyprus, DBHC
10:20-10:55 Prof John Irvine Professor in Chemistry, Lead Academic, School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews
10:55-11:15 Dr Şevket Can Bostanci Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, European University of Lefke
Environmentally efficient approaches for sustainable concrete production
11:15-11:30 Coffee/Tea Break
11:30-12:05 Prof David Dunstan Professor of Experimental Physics, Queen Mary University of London
Consequences of the intermittency of solar and wind generation
12:05-12:25 Dr Alexandros Charalambides Associate Professor, Head of Chemical Engineering, Cyprus University of Technology
A Research and Innovation Action Plan to achieve Cyprus’ Energy and Climate Targets
12:25-12:45 Dr Lois Pennington Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, University of Manchester
Food for Thought: Addressing the Problem of Airline Catering Waste
12:45-13:05 Dr Babak Safaei Associate Professor, Eastern Mediterranean University/University of Johannesburg Title tbc
13:05-14:00 Lunch
14:00 -14:35 Prof Umut Türker Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University
Title tbc
14:35-14:55 Dr Chryso Sotiriou Senior Energy Policy & Climate Change Expert, Ideopsis ltd
Promoting alternative fuels in Cyprus
14:55-15:15 Dr Athina Georgiou Shippi Lead – Environmental Expert, KyklOIKOdromio
Circular Economy Actions for All
For any enquiries, please contact Dr Marina Leontiadou (