Climate Innovation
At our research center, we are dedicated to climate innovation, focusing on developing groundbreaking solutions to combat climate change.
DetailsAt our research center, we are dedicated to climate innovation, focusing on developing groundbreaking solutions to combat climate change.
DetailsThrough our incubation and acceleration programs, we provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the resources and support
DetailsWe focus on developing clean and efficient propulsion systems for ships, aiming to reduce emissions and minimize environmental impact.
DetailsThe project“Academy for Transitional Skills in the Built Environment” (BuildSkills Academy) seeks expert inputs on the transitional skills gap, present in the sector, in order to shape the future of vocational and educational training in the construction sector. Main goal of BuildSkills Academy – create a pan-European framework and scheme for certification and upgrading of knowledge and skills for the so-called “twin” transition (green and digital) with a focus on the construction sector.
Promoting Circular Approaches To The Built Environment The official kick-off meeting of the CABE (Circular Approaches for the Built Environment) project took place in Zurich in February, marking the start of a three-year effort by 17 European institutions and organisations to develop and pilot circular solutions for the built environment through the reuse of construction and demolition waste (C&DW). The first meeting was…
Under Maritech Talent Programme Accelerator Deadline for Applications: February 21st, 2025 Are you a start-up, scale-up or SME with an innovative solution that can address emerging challenges of the maritime sector – then the MariTech Talent Programme needs you. Teams, representing maritime challenge owners (port authorities, shipowners, operators etc.) and professionals from deep-tech startups, scale-ups,…
Building Skills for a Greener, Digital Future The BuildSkills Academy project, funded under the Erasmus+ programme, is making significant strides in transforming vocational education and training (VET) for the construction sector. This initiative aims to equip the sector with the essential skills needed to navigate the green and digital transformations in Europe. A key component…
How can small islands achieve carbon neutrality? Dive into the cases of Cyprus and Malta in the discussion featuring Alexandros Charalambides, Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Laboratory, Cyprus University of Technology, moderated by Tatiana Mitrova, NEAH Founder and Director. Much of the existing research on carbon neutrality focuses on medium- or large-sized countries. Small islands need…
At the Sustainable Energy Laboratory (EnergyLab), we frequently host international visitors for project visits, conferences, and various collaborations. To facilitate your stay in Limassol, we have created this comprehensive guide that includes everything you need. Please find the full guide here to download for your convenience.
Over the past three years, TIMEPAC has been envisioning and deploying future scenarios to transform building energy performance assessments into dynamic evaluations that consider buildings as integral parts of the built environment. The insights gained from these efforts have been disseminated through the TIMEPAC Academy’s training activities, which include webinars and in-class sessions across six…
Η καταπολέμηση της κλιματικής αλλαγής είναι ένα θέμα που προβληματίζει τους επιστήμονες, τους μηχανικούς, αλλά και τους απλούς πολίτες για πολλές δεκαετίες. Οι ερευνητές χρονολογούν και εντοπίζουν την αύξηση των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου και την έναρξη της υπερθέρμανσης του πλανήτη στο 1830 – 1850 κατά τη διάρκεια της πρώτης βιομηχανικής επανάστασης, δείχνοντας την ευαισθησία…
📘 Introducing Our New Guidebook: Transformative Climate Innovation Action Plans for Island Ecosystems In our ongoing efforts to accelerate research and innovation (R&I) in the energy and climate sector, we launch today: the MICIE project guidebook. Empowering Island Ecosystems The Mediterranean Island Cleantech Innovation Ecosystem (MICIE) project served as the foundation for this comprehensive toolkit,…
NOVAFOODIES NOVAFOODIES is an interdisciplinary project bringing together partners from Europe, Israel and China, with complementary backgrounds to interact closely in a synergistic manner to deliver the expected results, research outputs and six key objectives. NOVAFOODIES aims to provide consumers with new functional and traceable products of marine and freshwater origin, produced with more sustainable processes without compromising sectoral competitiveness. Specific…
INDUSAC offers a unique chance for companies to collaborate with international student and researcher teams, providing free solutions to tech and business challenges. Don’t miss out—apply by April 15, 2024. Benefits for companies: The solution is developed free of charge. The company does not have any financial obligations to the team. Students will receive from the…
Το Τμήμα Χημικής Μηχανικής του Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου ανακοινώνει ότι θα δέχεται αιτήσεις μέχρι την Παρασκευή, 19 Απριλιου 2024 (11:59 μ.μ.), για τα ακόλουθα διδακτορικά προγράμματα που θα αρχίσουν τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2024, όπως αναφέρονται στην αναλυτική προκήρυξη εδώ. Δύο (2) θέσεις στο θέμα “Ενέργεια και Μετεωρολογία” Περιγραφή: Η παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας από Φωτοβολταϊκά (PVs) εξαρτάται σε μεγάλο βαθμό από τα τοπικά…
Thursday 15th February 2024, at the Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus The GreenConnect workshop is an event focused on discussing the latest scientific research in the field of renewable energy and the local challenges we face through the climate change emergency. The workshop aims to bring scientists and specialist speakers from the UK and Cyprus…